If any of you have at least heard of this game then consider yourself my brother, sister etc. If not then go back in your hole!!!!!!!!!. Just kidding .
Warrock is a free, I repeat free online multiplayer shooter set in a place, where..um.... there is war!
It' s kind of like the Battlefield series( if you played them ) expect with a mix of Counter Strike, You can customize a mix of classes like engineer, medic, sniper etc. Cool thing is that you can play it from anywhere you want!!!! Like if you are on an airplane and you have nothing to do you could just connect to a server and ROCK!!!! Also from the site you can purchase weapons without even opening the game. Another cool thing is that the game maps adjust the to different holidays like if it's Christmas you can shoot Santa down with an RPG!!!!yeah!!!!
If you want more info just visit this site!
Srry I can't get the link thing to work well anyway enjoy the game if your game. Oh yeah if you can find me my gametag will be as it follows: Mongolian0. Well that's just my second 'cause my first doesn't work anymore:[
If you look I got a cool pic for it
And if you are reading this plz leave a comment